Overview of Roles and Functions of Rubber Smallholders in Jambi Province



by: Zakky Fathoni

Staf Pengajar Program Studi Agrobisnis Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi


In the marketing system there are many stakeholders that involve in the market activity. The stakeholders are starting from the farmers as the producer of the output, trader, and government as policy maker in the market. The purpose of this research is analyzing roles and functions of rubber smallholder in Jambi Province. The institutional and functional approaches are used in order to analyze rubber market system that includes characteristics of market, marketing channel, and the role of stakeholders. This study covers all the stakeholders that involve in rubber market activity which are the farmers, traders, auction market, and government. After all data and information are collected, qualitative methodology is used to investigate and to analyze the role and the activity of stakeholders in the rubber market. Results of analysis show that there are many activities and roles of each stakeholder in rubber marketing system and it is characterized as monopolistic competition with the existence of many traders in rubber market. Overall, the difference of dry rubber content influences the selling price. The higher dry rubber content, the better price will be achieved by the seller. In order to get the high dry rubber content, it needs more time for storage and processing.

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